Samba Pedalboards™ presents the next generation of custom-crafted pedalboards, designed with superb quality, beauty, innovation, and value.

“One look at Samba’s pedalboards and it’s apparent they stand out from others.”

“All-solid-wood construction, dovetail joinery and affordable price tags set Samba Pedalboards apart from the flock.”

“Superb quality pedalboards re-imagined for discriminating musicians.”

“…ergonomic details, aesthetic designs…and road-tested construction.”
Samba pedalboards are an outstanding value specially created for musicians who want something exceptional they can’t find anywhere else – for use on the stage, in the studio or at home.
We’ve developed a host of unique features and innovations that take custom-designed pedalboards to the next level. We’ve reimagined the entire premium pedalboard concept, engineering exclusive new ideas sure to impress you. And we’ve done it at surprisingly competitive prices.
Why Choose Samba?
Samba pedalboards stand out from the crowd. Samba’s ergonomic approach to engineering puts the musician front and center, making simplicity and ease of setup and use our hallmarks.
We include features with every pedalboard that others charge extra for or don’t offer at all. We do it all with style, strength and beauty. See our product features page for all the details.
Our only extra-cost options are wood upgrades and additional connection cables. We also offer premium-quality MONO cases and top-rated Voodoo Lab power supplies.
Hard Work Pays Off
We’ve researched, engineered and invested extensively to bring you premium pedalboards that are truly a cut above.
Our testing, evaluation and experimentation have resulted in new solutions we’re certain you’re going to appreciate.
We’ve also road-tested our pedalboards with some of our friends and favorite artists to make sure they’ll stand up to the rigors of the road and exceed expectations. John McFee of the Doobie Brothers, says it best – “I’m digging my Samba. It looks great, has the flexibility I need and is really well made.”
“I’m digging my Samba. It looks great, has the flexibility I need and is really well made.”
“Finally!!! A pedalboard that is rugged and looks fantastic. No spaghetti on top, 100% clean underneath. I highly recommend Samba pedalboards to all musicians whether you are on tour or playing a small venue. Fantastic!!!”
“I’ve never had such a top-quality, sturdy, well thought out pedalboard. Beautiful craftsmanship and easy access to wiring makes Samba the best pedalboard on the market.”
We are very excited to announce the winner of our PRS Guitar Giveaway!
The lucky winner is Kyle Blessing of Oregon, and the PRS Santana could not have gone to anyone more deserving. Kyle is an active musician and a PRS guitarist, so adding another PRS to his collection is about as cool as it gets.
His band, Trask River Redemption, is regularly booked and gigs frequently in the greater Portland area. Check them out at traskriverredemption.com or on Facebook at facebook.com/TraskRiverRedemption.
You can also hear and purchase their latest album, Rambler’s Lantern, on their website.
Please join us in sending Kyle a big congratulations and wishing him all the best!